Depression is on the rise in today’s society particularly among Christians. Depression is a largely overlooked and much-misunderstood disease in the Christian world, yet there are vast numbers of Christian men and women who are looking for help with this problem. There is hope!

Hope Again: A Lifetime Plan for Conquering Depression is the third updated book by Dr. Bruce Hennigan and Mark Sutton. The book provides step by step encouragement and instruction for developing a fresh, updated plan to win over depression. With an interest stemming from their own experiences, Hennigan and Sutton take an approach to overcoming life’s difficulties that is grounded in both spiritual and medical principles. Whether depression is affecting you, or someone you love, Hope Again can be the first step to finding real encouragement and moving forward.

Life Filter #22

Today, I will:

  1. Listen to God’s voice, not my emotions or Satan’s lies.
  2. Thank God that I will be in His hands forever.
God's Promise to Me: 
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand."
John 10:27–28

Faith Fact #13

Why Has God Allowed Depression in my Life?

In today’s Faith Fact, we will tackle the question, “Why has God allowed depression to be a part of my life?”

Some Christians maintain that continued depression is caused by a lack of faith. But is this true?  Let’s examine the facts.  I always ask people who hold this position,…

Physician Fact #16

Human Hugs Defeat Depression

Can a hug a day help keep depression away!

Don’t underestimate the power of human touch.

In a recent study (link) researchers tested whether hugs protected stressed people from getting sick. They found that greater social support and more frequent hugs protected people from the increased susceptibility to…

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